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DIY – Mini bell jar from a broken wine glass

DIY - Mini bell jar from a broken wine glass

A few days ago I bumped over my wine glass.Thank God it was empty, so mopping wasn’t necessary. But unfortunately my glass was broken; the bottom came off. Basically I can still drink from it, but I’m not planning to hold it all night because I can’t set it down. A shame to throw away right? Okay, let’s be honest, we will not be drinking out of it anymore but it looked like a fun DIY project. A mini bell jar! A wine glass is the perfect shape for this. The mini ‘cake’ plateau I bought at the store, but you can also put the mini bell jar on the table without anything underneath. Tip: the thrift store  is filled with saucers without a cup. Perfect in size to slide under your new mini bell jar!

Read on to see how you can make a mini bell jar from a broken wine glass. . .

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DIY, Interior Design