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DIY – Boot jewelry

Boho boot belt diy

I found them at the shoe store a little while ago: boot jewelry. I instantly fall in love with them. Until I saw the price… So I left without those pretty things (sad face). But I thought this would be a great DIY. Besides, why should you buy them if you can make them, a lot cheaper, yourself?

Boho boot belt diy

What I really like about these belts / jewelry is that you can give a basic boot a complete new look. You could create more than one style, so you can change the look of your boots daily without buying new ones. They are a lot of fun to make, so make as many as you like! What more do you want?

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DIY, Fashion, Featured

DIY – Celebrate spring with Lollipoppies!

Make these cute lollipoppies with a lollipop, tissue paper and a paper straw. They would make a great favor for your next party!Make these cute lollipoppies with a lollipop, tissue paper and a paper straw. They would make a great favor for your next party!

Spring has sprung and that should be celebrated. So I made lollipoppies! Yes, I spelled that right: these poppies are made with a lollipop. Ho cute is that? They are really easy to make and they would make a great favor for your next party or maybe even a wedding! Read More »


DIY – Speech bubbles for your plants

Make this cute DIY speak bubble for your plants. Let them tell you they want to survive, or make one as a gift with a loving message!

I’m absolutely in love with this project. It looks so cute! The text I added to this speak bubble is sadly something that my plants would probably say when they could speak. I would love to keep everything alive, and really: I am learning But for some reason there are always moments that I just completely forget about my plants. That’s when they die, obviously. So maybe I made these speak bubbles as a reminder so this plant will really survive. Read More »

DIY, Interior Design, plants

DIY – Date Night Lottery tin (a great Valentines Day gift!)

Make a DIY Lottery tin or jar with 70 printable date night ideas! - By Wilma Make a DIY Lottery tin or jar with 70 printable date night ideas! - By Wilma

Do you know those times that you just want to do something together but you can’t think of anything? Or those times that you just want a surprise date? Well, I have the solution for you: a Date Night Lottery tin! I even have 70 different date ideas for you to put in your tin (or jar). Even better: they are printable! This would absolutely make a great Valentines Day gift that you and your lover will cherish and remember for a long time.

Curious about the dating ideas? Read more after the jump. . .

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DIY, Valentines Day

DIY – Heart garland

Create a cute DIY heath garland with scrap pieces of MDF, some pretty paper and straws!Create a cute DIY heath garland with scrap pieces of MDF, some pretty paper and straws!

I won’t leave you hanging this Valentines day! Today I’ve got another DIY project for you that you can make with some scrap pieces of tin MDF, some pretty tissue paper, a cotton piece of yarn and a straw. I love how it turned out and I’m definitely going to make more projects with MDF in the near future. Love that stuff! Read More »

DIY, Interior Design, Valentines Day

DIY – Olive oil spray bottle

DIY - Olive oil spray bottle

A while back I bought a spray bottle with olive oil. The olive oil wasn’t amazing, but I loved the way it worked. It makes it so easy to grease a dish, love it! But why not make a spray bottle with your favorite olive oil? I mean, how hard can it be?  Read More »


DIY – Garden markers from paint stirrers

DIY project: make garden markers from paint stirrers (+ an easy way on how to transfer the text)

DIY project: make garden markers from paint stirrers (+ an easy way on how to transfer the text)

Sometimes it’s so hard to think of a good gift for someone you love. You want to give them something they will use and remember but they already have so much stuff. And to make it even worse: there is close to nothing on their wishlist. So what to do? Well, pick something they love to do and create something that helps them with it! This garden markers are a great example of just that. My dad loves his vegetable garden (I promise I will make pictures this summer, it’s really pretty) but I noticed he didn’t had any garden markers. So I decided to make him some for his birthday. I called my mom for a list of all the vegetables and bought a lot of paint stirrers. I love the end result and so did my dad. I think they will look great in his garden! Read More »

DIY, Garden