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10 downsides of buying second hand (or how to make thrift shopping a success)

10 downsides of buying second hand (or how to make thrift shopping a success)

You may know that I love to buy most of my stuff second hand. I love doing that. When you buy something second hand you pay so much less than when you buy things new. I also love the fact that items  had a previous life and that they show some character. An item you buy second hand is even  more unique than a store bought one. But there are downsides about buying everything second hand. I still don’t think they are as big as the cons but they are there and they are really  important to take in to consideration. Plus if you know about the downsides you are more likely to make thrift shopping a success!

Read the 10 downsides of buying second hand (or how to make thrift shopping a success) after the jump. . . Read More »

Thrift store