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Recipe – Sweet and spicy Sambal Badjak

Recipe - Sweet and spicy Sambal BadjakRecipe - Sweet and spicy Sambal Badjak I love a little bit of spice to my food but with a 3 year old I can’t just spice up every dish. Sambal is a great way to add a little bit of spice to individual dishes. It’s an Indonesian sauce and widely available here in the Netherlands. It tastes great as a sauce with meat or use it to marinade for example chicken. Delicious! There are many different kinds of sambal but the store bought variants are by far not as tasty as homemade sambal. The homemade Sambal Badjak recipe that I’m sharing with you today has many layers of sweet, sour and  spicey. Store bought sambal here in the Netherlands mostly tastes sour and spicy. So if you want to try this delicious spicy sauce I really recommend making your own! Read More »
