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10 Day Washi Tape Marathon!

washi tape marathon

You might already noticed today’s earlier post with the first craft of my 10 day washi tape marathon. I thought I should tell you the story behind it all. I am always looking for new things to craft for this blog and I have a lot of ideas about what I could do. But sometimes I find a material so interesting, cute or just inspiring that I want to do multiply crafts with it. I also thought that it’s a great creative challenge to make 10 crafts with one material as a base. Washi tape was my first choice because I love that it’s cute, easy to work with and widely available. This will be my first craft marathon, but be warned: it will not be my last!

If you have ideas for the next craft marathon please let me know! I’m always open for suggestions! XO Wilma

Craft Marathon

Washi Tape Marathon Day 1: DIY cocktail sticks

10 day washi tape marathon. Day 1: washi tape cocktail stick

Today is the first day of the 10 day washi tape marathon. Yes that’s right, 10 days with washi tape crafts! How cool is that? I thought it would be nice to make a marathon with just one material. This time it’s washi tape. If you have an idea of a material that you want to see in a 10 day marathon please let me know! We begin this marathon with DIY washi tape cocktail sticks. They are perfect to make that cocktail just a little bit more special!

Learn how to make DIY washi tape cocktail sticks after the jump. . . Read More »

Craft Marathon, DIY