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hot cocoa

Recipe – Delicious homemade hot cocoa mix!

Recipe - Delicious hot cocoa mix! @By Wilma

Oh the weather… Ever since I’m back from my holiday it’s raining everyday. And it’s cold. Well it’s called fall and there is nothing wrong with that. Because fall comes with some great things like pumpkins and hot chocolate! I bought some pumpkins  and they are in my window-sill. I love the look of it and I will be a little bit sad when I have to let them go. Good thing is: I have a lot of seeds now to grow my own pumpkins next year! The other thing, hot chocolate, is tasting so much better when it’s cold outside. I always wonder why. I mean, tea and coffee do taste the same with cold or warm weather in my opinion? I made a batch of hot cocoa mix that I want to share with you. This hot cocoa mix is made with milk, not with water.

Learn how to make this delicious hot cocoa after the jump. . . Read More »
