I love visiting thrift stores. I never leave empty handed, there is always something I just need to have. Well, at least that is what I think the moment I buy it. But hey, it’s so damn cheap. Who can blame me? Today I wanted to show you some of my latest finds.
The picture above is a vintage alarm clock I bought for two Euro’s. My boyfriend found it. I love the style of the clock and it’s in perfect working condition. Only problem is; we don’t have a working socket in our bedroom at the moment. Don’t know why it doesn’t work and I’m not really into fixing it. So we save this find (and our nightlights) for our next home.
See my other thrift store finds after the jump. . .
When I saw these boxes in my favorite thrift store I couldn’t help myself. I had to look what was inside of them. And this is what was inside of them. Buttons! Lot’s of vintage buttons. I love this kind of thrift store find. Ever since I was a little girl I love buttons. I don’t know why, I just do. So you can imagine I was thrilled to find these! I bought both boxes for 1 Euro.
These old leather bags looked so nice! I thought that if I can’t save them and make them into something beautiful again I could always use the leather. Bought the two of them for 1 Euro.
I can’t leave cutlery behind in the thrift store. It’s really cheap and I thought that it would be great to have lot’s of it for when I’m getting married. Cutlery never costs me more then 10 cents a piece. It’s crazy, but I really love those forks, knives and spoons.
I also found:
– A guitar case for my boyfriend. He always wants me to look for music related stuff, and he was really happy with this case! Bought it for 5 Euro’s.
– A bread making machine. I am always on the look for one. And I found one! I paid 5 Euro’s for it.
– Wooden cars, never used. They were still in plastic. I bought them for a friend of my who loves wooden toys and has a little boy. I got it with some other, bigger stuff, so it was kind of free.
– Lot’s of vintage tins. I’m always looking for more vintage tins. I love the look of them!
– A book about preserving food. I really want to learn more about it. So I thought this book would be a great start!
Where are you looking for in thrift stores?