About kitchen makeovers and colorful dining chairs

Love this - Colorful dining chairs

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Our kitchen is still waiting for a makeover. Our pretty 50’s stove broke and I needed a new one. I was sad about the fact that this beautiful piece of history was now broken but I also thought this might be the time to makeover the kitchen completely. I don’t like the cabinets (they are dark grey), I hate the counter top (really hard to clean metal) and the tiles are just not my taste. We also have some room left right next to the stove where we put a trolley, but it’s always a little bit of a mess because we have not enough cabinet space. I wanted a cabinet there. I thought if we needed a new stove, we could just as well do all the other things we wanted at the same time. Because if we do it later, I have to buy a stove now and later replace it for an oven and a gas cooker that we build in. Crazy right?

I’m also on the hunt for some new dining chairs. We are thinking about having colorful dining chairs like the ones you see above. Maybe all in yellow? We are thinking about painting the kitchen too, but we are not sure yet. We really love the DSW chairs. They are so pretty and classic! I absolutely love them! XO Wilma

Interior Design, Kitchen, Love this

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