DIY – Updated credit card wallet

DIY - Creditcard wallet

When I was younger I had a collection of wallets. I think I had about 30 pieces. I still have a lot of wallets but for some reason I mostly just take my cards and put them in my pocket. Stupid, I know. I lost them a few times this way. So I decided I needed a credit card wallet. A cute one to be precise. But they are not that easy to find. So I updated a cheap one from the dollar store. Now it is the cutest credit card wallet ever!

Learn how to make an updated credit card wallet after the jump. . .

What you need for an updated credit card wallet

  • credit card wallet (from the dollar store)
  • gold paint
  • Sharpie or something similar
  • paint brush

DIY - Creditcard wallet

How to make an updated credit card wallet

1. Paint your credit card wallet gold (or any other color you like).

DIY - Creditcard wallet

2. Draw a pattern on your credit card wallet with a Sharpie. I chose eyes, but you can draw any symbol you like on it. As long as it looks good as a pattern, you’re cool.

That’s it! Put your credit cards in the wallet and trow it in your bag. No more losing important cards for me! XO Wilma


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