DIY – Recycled tube phone case

diy recycled tube phone case

Who doesn’t love a good recycling project? This one is really simple. Sometimes liquid soaps come in really pretty tubes. When the tube is empty we usually just trow it away but I thought I could make something useful and pretty out of it. I thought, why not make another phone case? This on is made with an elastic closure, but you could also use velcro. Also, this project is great for making small wallets or credit card holders!

Read how to make this easy recycled tube phone case after the jump. . .

diy recycled tube phone case

What you need for this recycled tube phone case

– empty liquid soap tube (big enough to fit your phone
– scissors
– elastic
– hole punch

diy recycled tube phone case

How to make this recycled tube phone case

Cut of the round bottom of the tube. Fit your phone inside and decide the height of your phone case. Cut of the plastic about an inch higher then the phone. Now you need to cut the front of the case at the height of your phone. So the back will be an inch higher then the front. This will be the flap of the phone case. Punch two holes in the back of the phone case. One about half an inch below the top, and one about half an inch below that. Pull the elastic true the holes. Tighten the elastic and make a knot. Cut off. Move the knot to the inside of the phone case. That’s it!

DIY, Fashion

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