I love vintage teacups and I love candles. I also love recycling. So why not combine those things? I know this craft has been done before, but this is my version. A completely recycled one. With a really clever trick to keep the wax wicks in place!
The full instruction continues after the jump . . .
What you need
– vintage teacup
– old candles
– a popsicle stick
– hole puncher
– old pan (I prefer a sauce pan)
– essential oil
How to make it
Place the candles in the pan. You may have to break them if they are to big, but make sure you don’t break the wax wicks. If everything is melted carefully take the wax wicks out of the melted wax. A few drops of essential oil make your candles smell really good. Take the popsicle stick and your hole puncher and punch a hole in the middle of the stick. Put the wax wick trough the hole. If you want to make it extra secure you can make a knot in the end of the wax wick. In my case the wax wick was stiff enough to stay in place on it’s own. Cut the wick at the desired length. That is: when you put the popsicle stick on the teacup the wax wick should touch the bottom. Fill the teacups up until you are one centimeter below the top of the cup. Place the popsicle stick with the wax wick in the middle of the teacup. Let cool and your candles are ready!