I’ve got a thing for shoe clips right now. It’s so easy to give your shoes a complete new look with these clips, I just love them! Today I’ve got a new shoe clip DIY for you. This one has, just like the last one, ear ring clips attached to it. The feathers are from recycled shuttles cocks!
Read the full instructions after the jump. . .
What you need
– shuttle cocks with feathers
– glue gun
– felt
– clip earrings
– scissors
I love the colors of the feathers from these shuttle cocks. Colored feathers can be hard to find, or very expensive. These colorful feather shuttle cocks are really inexpensive. I bought five of them for less then 90 Euro cent.
How to make it
Cut the feathers lose from the shuttle cocks. You only need the part of the feather that has the ‘hairs’ on it. Now cut the felt in a egg form from two by one inch. Start with placing feathers on the side of the egg shape that is the widest and glue them down. Layer the feathers until the felt egg shape is fully covered. Glue the smallest side of the egg to a earring clip. Repeat everything for the second shoe clip.