DIY – Biodegradable toilet roll planters

DIY - Biodegradable toilet roll planters

I love having my own vegetable patch. We have one large raised bed in the back yard and 4 smaller ones in the garden at the side of our house. We also have a herb garden. This year we will use two of those smaller raised beds for flowers and the other two for vegetables. I always start the seeds indoors and this year I decided to start them in separate planters. To do this I decided to make biodegradable toilet roll planters. Cheep and super effective!


Learn how to make DIY biodegradable toilet roll planters after the jump. . .


What you need for DIY biodegredable toilet roll planters


  • toilet rolls
  • scissors


How to make DIY Biodegradable toilet roll planters


DIY - Biodegradable toilet roll planters


This DIY is super simple. Cut about half of an inch off the bottom of the toilet roll. Now make four cuts (witch the same amount of spacing) at the bottom of the toilet roll. They should be about 4/5 of an inch long. Fold the bottom like you would fold a box. Make as many as you need.


DIY - Biodegradable toilet roll planters


That’s it! What kind of planters do you use to start your seeds? XOXO Wilma

DIY, Garden

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