I love having my own vegetable patch. We have one large raised bed in the back yard and 4 smaller ones in the garden at the side of our house. We also have a herb garden. This year we will use two of those smaller raised beds for flowers and the other two for vegetables. I always start the seeds indoors and this year I decided to start them in separate planters. To do this I decided to make biodegradable toilet roll planters. Cheep and super effective!
Learn how to make DIY biodegradable toilet roll planters after the jump. . .Read More »
Sometimes it’s so hard to think of a good gift for someone you love. You want to give them something they will use and remember but they already have so much stuff. And to make it even worse: there is close to nothing on their wishlist. So what to do? Well, pick something they love to do and create something that helps them with it! This garden markers are a great example of just that. My dad loves his vegetable garden (I promise I will make pictures this summer, it’s really pretty) but I noticed he didn’t had any garden markers. So I decided to make him some for his birthday. I called my mom for a list of all the vegetables and bought a lot of paint stirrers. I love the end result and so did my dad. I think they will look great in his garden! Read More »
This week we had our first salad from our garden. We already used some salad for bread and burgers but we never had a ‘real’ salad until now. They were growing so hard for the last couple of days that we needed to eat them now. So that’s going to be a lot of salad for the next week!
We also had radish and of course fresh herbs. I also added some feta cheese and walnuts. It really was delicious. So much better than store bought salad! I’m already thinking about what to plant next now there is room for more. XO Wilma
Cress is a lovely herb that tastes great on a sandwich with cheese or cream cheese. It’s also a herb that is really easy to grow at home. Within days you can harvest from your own little window garden. When I found these little sake cups at the thrift store I immediately saw some great looking cress planters in them. Because what looks better then a cute little face with some green hair? This is also a great little project to do with kids. You will have your own fresh cress in no time!
Learn how to make these cute little cress cups with a face after the jump. . . Read More »
I love how our vegetable garden is growing lately. Some of the herbs we had last year are still going strong. Others are growing again as a surprise. We also bought some new plants and we planted some seeds. It’s mostly herbs, like chive, parsley and mint and lettuce. We also have radish, garlic, beets and tomatoes. Everything is in pots now because the garden is far from finished at the moment. But next year I want to try square foot gardening. Has anyone tried that? Love to hear how that turned out for you! XO Wilma
Yesterday it was the birthday of a friend of mine. He also just moved to a new apartment. Yesterday was the first time we went there so we needed a gift that was both a birthday present and a housewarming gift. He really loves cooking and because he has now a balcony right next to his kitchen I decided to give him a balcony planter with herbs. Of course I also needed some herb markers. This is how I made them!
Read the full instructions for these cute garden herb markers after the jump. . . Read More »
I love our new home. It’s so light and spacious. Two things that are so different from our last home. I also love the big garden and the nice neighborhood. We have to do a lot in the garden before I can say it’s pretty. Right now almost everything is paved. I want to add some grass and of course flowers! I also want a patio, that would be great with the rainy weather here in the Netherlands. But for now we are still very busy inside. The last residents were living here since 1965 and were heavy smokers so you can imagine that there is a lot to do here. One of the rooms had 6 layers of wallpaper. I kept a piece of all of them. I really love the one above. I’m going to try to find a roll of that one. That would be so great!
The cats were not amused by the move. John, the grey one, doesn’t really care about the new home but he does about not being able to go outside. Dime spent his first day lying under the couch. The poor thing. Now he is sleeping at his, and Johns, new favorite spot: the window-sill. They will be alright, it just needs some time..
Read more about our move after the jump. . . Read More »