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DIY – Yarn wrapped Easter eggs

DIY - Yarn wrapped easter eggs

It’s finally time for a new DIY project on! I thought it would be nice to do my tutorial in illustrations this time. It has been a while and I thought a new start needed also a new layout. So I hope you like it!

These yarn wrapped Easter eggs are really pretty to look at and perfect for hanging in some branches. I love the look of the yarn and the endless color possibilities you have with it. I used fake eggs for this project but of course you can use real ones too. The reason why I used fake eggs is that they are a lot easier to handle than the real deal. But it’s your choice! If you want to use real eggs you can use my decoupage Easter egg tutorial from last year for the ‘blow out’ part.

Learn how to make these cute DIY yarn wrapped Easter eggs after the jump. . . Read More »

DIY, Easter, Holiday

DIY – Picture Easter eggs

decoupage picture easter eggs

Yesterday Kara Nielsen asked me if it was possible to do my decoupage Easter eggs with pictures of her grandchildren. She asked for some advise on how to do this. I think it’s a great idea to decoupage eggs with pictures. That’s why I decided to make a tutorial on how to do this. I will show you exactly how to print on napkins and make these eggs with your own pictures or prints! I’m not going into the details on how to blow out the eggs. If you want to know how to do that you can read my ‘DIY – Decoupage Easter eggs’ post.

Read how to make these picture Easter eggs after the jump. . . Read More »

DIY, Easter, Holiday

DIY – Decoupage Easter eggs

decoupage Easter egg diy

I have a little brother who is 17 years younger then I am. When he was like 5 years old (don’t pin me down on that one) he brought me these napkins from a holiday to Scandinavia. I think the design of the napkins really represents Scandinavian design. I love them! I don’t have much of them left unfortunately, so I decided to make something with them that would last me a little longer then just napkins. I mean; don’t you think he had a great taste at such a young age? I thought it was so sweet of him to bring them home for me. These decoupage Easter eggs are made with those napkins!

Read how to make these decoupage Easter eggs after the jump. . .  Read More »

DIY, Easter, Holiday