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DIY and Craft favorites

Three DIY Easter eggs

DIY Easter eggs

I love to create different Easter egg projects each year. I searched trough my archives and I found these three lovely ideas from earlier years. Of course there will be new Easter egg diy projects this year but I wanted to really get in the mood with some projects I already made.

1. This Decoupage Easter Egg diy project was made with napkins I got from my little brother when he was just five years old. He just turned 12 but I still love the print! This is my absolute favorite Easter egg diy project!

2. Someone asked me if I knew ho to decoupage a picture on an egg. Well I figured it out and made a diy tutorial out of it that you can find here.

3. These cute yarn wrapped Easter eggs are from last year.

Which one is your favorite? XO Wilma

DIY and Craft favorites, Easter