Monthly Archives

March 2017

DIY – Sunburst mirrors (from disposable cutlery!)

A super pretty sunburst mirror created with disposable plastic cutlery! A super pretty sunburst mirror created with disposable plastic cutlery!I love mirrors. Not because I feel the need to look in it all day long, but because they come in so many pretty designs. They also make a room look bigger, so that’s a big plus too! I already have a large collection of mirrors but there was one in particular that I still wanted: a sunburst mirror.

I fall in love every time I see them on Pinterest. But unfortunately they are really expensive and I never see them in thrift stores. So for a while now, I was thinking about doing a great DIY version of a sunburst mirror. And when I saw this plastic silver cutlery set I knew it would work for this project. This sunburst mirror is super easy to make and really budget friendly. But the most important is that it looks absolutely amazing! Read More »

DIY, Featured, Interior Design

Recipe – Goat yogurt bark with blueberries and almonds

I love goat yogurt and so I eat it almost everyday for breakfast. My body doesn’t cope well with cow milk and for me goat yogurt is a good alternative for normal yogurt. To be honest, I even like it better. Unfortunately not everything is that easy to replace. Yogurt ice cream for instants is almost always made with cow milk. So I thought it would be fun to make my own yogurt ice cream, but now with goat yogurt. It became this amazing and delicious goat yogurt bark with strawberries, blueberries and almonds. Super easy to make and you don’t even need an ice machine! Read More »

Featured, Recipe